The following guide is suitable for this beacon only (BC052-SA Motion Temperature and Humidity iBeacon):

Note: If you have any questions about any of the following instructions, please feel free to CONTACT us any time. We are here to answer your questions or help in any way. Almost all emails are answered by Thomas (me!), the owner of Blue Charm, within hours.
99% of the problems that beginners have with beacons are just a simple misunderstanding of one of the concepts. Admittedly, the world of beacons is a bit confusing with all of the TX, interval, broadcast, UUID…technical words. Especially since most people don’t understand that BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) is actually something different than regular Bluetooth. In other words, don’t feel bad at all if you are a little confused at first. I tried to make it as clear as possible in the instructions below, but that requires lots of words, which sometimes can be a bit boring to read when you are excited about a new beacon you just received in the mail!
Another note: Before we do anything, it should be noted that you can use your beacon straight out of the box just by turning it on (see “turn the beacon on” menu choice below). There is no absolute requirement to change the configuration settings.
That said, there are several situations in which you might want to change the settings, so if that is the case, please continue reading.
Please click below to visit the instruction page from the Chinese subcontracting manufacturer. The English grammar is a bit rough and too technical in some places. Hopefully, we will have time to rewrite these soon.